About me

Please allow me to introduce myself to you so that you will know a little of my background and how I came to be involved in catering hopper functions over the last 20 years or so.

My name is Shiranee Mahesan and I was born and raised in Sri Lanka and began working in the hotel industry. In the early 90’s I migrated to Australia and continued to be employed in the hotel industry, However, being a native Sri Lankan, hoppers had always been a big part of my family and social circle’s celebrations and I had always especially enjoyed preparing and cooking the hoppers and making them turn out successfully. I realised that, now that I was here in Australia, I could provide hopper making as a service to communities in the greater Melbourne area. I had always wanted to establish my own business and so, since the late 90’s I have been providing a hopper catering service for many satisfied customers.

This passion I have for producing the highest quality hoppers possible has led me to also go into production of my own pre-mixed ready packaged Hopper Mix and MY OWN Special custom designed Hopper Pans so that you too can cook beautiful crispy, golden hoppers in your own home.